St Arnaud Primary School and St Arnaud Secondary College are hosting a Diversity Dash to celebrate diversity and encourage inclusion within our schools and the community.
We thank the Northern Grampians Shire for their support in funding the event.
For a preview of our school and some of the activities we offer, please click the "Read more" button below.
The GP's provide medical advice and health care to those students most in need. Currently every Tuesday, between 10am and 2pm at St. Arnaud Secondary College for students attending. Please contact Mrs. Chapman in advance for appointments.
Helping students perform tasks that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.
Communicate with your child’s teacher view schedules, and keep track of homework whether you’re on the go, or in the comfort of your own home.
Where can I buy school uniform?
Power Hour is a supervised study session run on Thursdays in the
ILC building (Room 11) with Mrs Dean & Mrs Bourchier.
The College Breakfast Club runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00am until 8:45am. All students and staff most welcome!
A reminder that a Sun Smart hat (broad-brimmed or legionnaire) is required for all students at Recess and Lunch during Term 4. Caps and baseball hats will not be accepted as a SunSmart option, and are not to be worn as an alternative.
Introducing our brand new L2P car, a Mazda CX-3!! We would like to thank our major sponsor the ‘Bendigo Bank’ for this wonderful car. Please contact the school if you wish for your child to partake in this great program!
© 2020 St Arnaud Secondary College