The Transport Accident Commission L2P program is a community-based program developed to assist eligible young Victorian learner drivers between the ages of 16 – 21 years (and in some circumstances, up to 23 years) who do not have access to a supervising driver, or an appropriate vehicle, gain driving experience required for a probationary license.
How can I get involved?
If you have your learner permit and would like to use the school’s Yaris to build your required hours before going for your P’s, it couldn’t be easier!
Just speak to one of the Mentors here at the school to get the ball rolling. We will put you in contact with the program’s director for the western region, Penny, and she will guide you through the steps to get you on the road.
Who are the Mentors at St. Arnaud Secondary College?
The TAC L2P Program is funded by the TAC, administered by the Department of Transport, and delivered by almost 60 local councils and not-for-profit community agencies across Victoria.
Supported by $33.4 million of TAC funding through to 30 June 2023, 1,500 volunteer mentors and an ever-growing list of partner organisations providing in-kind and philanthropic support, discounted services, volunteer access and more, the TAC L2P Program is free for learner drivers who meet the eligibility criteria. Once accepted into the program, eligible learners are matched with a fully licensed volunteer mentor and have access to a program car which is used to gain supervised driving experience.
Please note, it is a requirement for all mentors and learners to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to participate in the L2P Program, unless a medically exemption applies.
© 2020 St Arnaud Secondary College