Newsletter 4th February, 2022

Issue 1

Principal's Report 4th February, 2022

Welcome back to everyone for a new school year.  Welcome to all of our new students, including the Year 7 students and their families.  It is amazing to return to see the number of new students who have enrolled at the College, especially in Years 7, 8 and 9, since the end of term three last year.  We do have some challenges ahead of us and due to this, some of our usual dates, such as the welcome BBQ, may be changed as we navigate our way through the first four weeks of the term.

VALE Anthony Briggs

It was with much sadness that we learnt of the passing of music teacher, Mr Anthony Briggs, on January 14 this year.  Anthony had battled valiantly with his illness over the previous 12 months or so, which required him to take sick leave for all of 2021.  He did this with an enduring positivity which was quite remarkable.  Anthony taught at the College for just over 20 years, starting back in 1999.  Anthony was clearly passionate about his music and was actively composing, and when possible, playing and performing all of his life.  Staff began the year last Friday with a minute’s silence at our first meeting, and then the students and staff did the same at our first assembly on Tuesday.  Our sincere condolences are extended to Anthony’s family and friends.

New Staff

Due to a variety of factors, there has been a significant change over in staff this year, with seven new faces at the College.  Miss Stephanie Carswell is a new Leading Teacher who will be teaching English.  Mr Drew Redmond is a maths teacher and comes to us all the way from London.  Miss Breanna Alexander is an English and Psychology teacher, Mrs Kathryn Powell is teaching Maths and Science and Mr Bernard Krywula is teaching Humanities and Health and Human Development.  We also have Mrs Rosemary Walsh joining us to teach Instrumental Music two days a week.  Our last appointment is Tania Scarce who is our new school nurse.  It has been five years since we had a school nurse and it is great to have one back again – especially one of Tania’s calibre. I am sure all the students and “old” staff will make all our new students and staff very welcome. Below is a photo of new staff with Stephanie Carswell absent on the day.

COVID Procedures

I have sent home an email aiming to outline all of the current requirements/suggestions/guidelines to deal with the current phase of the pandemic.  This will be a learning experience for us all and I am sure that we can all work through it together.  Student RA Tests are available for parents to pick up at the General Office, or parents can provide us with permission to send them home with students.  We have been provided with just enough to cover our students and staff, so ask that you use them as required.  At the time of writing this newsletter, I have not yet sent home and email to confirm any positive cases at school.  I will only do this if we have a person who tests positive and been at school, as I do not believe sending home an email every day that tells you nothing is in anyone’s best interests.

If your child does test positive, please report as required to the Department of Health.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Over the next two weeks students will be considering and nominating students for this year’s SRC.  The SRC has two or three representatives from each year level and the Year 12 College Captains.  The SRC is a great forum for student voice in the school and through the School Captains, have a direct link to College Council.  I encourage you to talk to your child about this opportunity.

School Uniform

All students are expected to be in full school uniform.  If for some reason they cannot be in uniform, they require a note which goes to Mrs McCormick – Assistant Principal – where they will be issued with a uniform pass.  If you are finding it difficult to source some items of uniform, please contact the College as we do have access to some uniforms and shoes.  Just as a reminder for all families and students, school shoes must be all black, no white or coloured stripes, swooshes, writing or soles. 

Hats Outside

A reminder that all students are required to be wearing a broad brimmed (or legionnaires) hat when they are outside.

Upcoming dates

Friday 11 March – School Photos – all students in full school uniform.

Wednesday 16 February – Year 11 and 12 Info night – all students expected to attend.

Friday 25 February – School Leader’s Ceremony – 2pm at the Town Hall.


Tony Hand


Year 7's First Day - Monday 31st January, 2022

Year 7's 2022 First Day Photo Gallery

All good things must start somewhere, so the saying goes. Okay, maybe it doesn’t, but I digress. The Year 7s started their first full, proper, unabridged and unadorned day of secondary school Monday, 31st January. And what a day it was.

There was emotional drama, there was heart-racing excitement and there was untold joy. Actually, there was mostly classwork and getting started with expectations and regulations, but that doesn’t sound as good in an article.

The reality of starting secondary school is that it is a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. For the 2022 Year 7s this was no different.

After arriving at school - some with almost equally nervous mums and dads in tow - the students found their allocated lockers and placed their bags and books therein. Then it was off to a homegroup session that went for what must have felt like an eternity (it was two hours long) where the students learned all about the necessary rules of secondary school.

It wasn’t all tedium, however, as the students got to play a game where they had to copy Mr Lobley doing terrible dance moves and another game where they had to share their most useless ‘fun fact’ with the class. Did you know that giraffes have a 30cm tongue?

A cupcake bonanza was provided by Master Chef. Mara Reynolds.  If you’ve ever seen a pod of Orcas feeding on a whale carcass, you’ll be able to picture what the frenzy that was the spectacle of the cupcake bonanza.

Classes included English, French, Art, Humanities and Maths, depending on which of the classes students were enrolled in.

The day ended with a bunch of smiles and it was good to see the nerves evaporate and be replaced with confidence and determination. I can’t wait to see how this group develops over the next few months and years!


Mr Lobley, Year 7 Coordinator


Office News 11th February, 2022

Parent Payment Policy Arrangements in 2022

The Department of Education and Training has sought to clarify the Parent Payments Policy for 2022. Schools can request contributions from parents under three categories.

  • Curriculum Contributions – contributions for curriculum items and activities which the school deems necessary for students to learn the Curriculum e.g., textbook use, consumable materials, paper
  • Other Contributions – Voluntary financial contributions for non-curriculum items and activities that relate to the school’s functions and objectives e.g., school building enhancements
  • Extra-Curricular Items and Activities – Items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides for free to deliver the Curriculum. These are provided on a user-pays basis.  g., Optional Year level camps

School Council has approved the 2022 Parent Payment Policy and Parent Payment Fees. The fees are located on the school webpage, or please contact the office to have fees sent.


DET Parent Payment Policy:

BYOD LWT Portal:

Parent Payment Arrangements and Options:

  • Parents will be provided with early notification of annual payment requests and reasonable notice will be given for any other payment requests during the year (i.e., excursions, camps)
  • The College offers Parents the option to make payment by instalments.  Please contact Kerrie Swanton, Business Manager, to make these arrangements.
  • Methods of payment are BPAY, EFTPOS, cash or cheque.
  • Eligible families that receive Camps, Sport & Excursion Funds can allocate these funds for sports travel, camps and excursions only.
  • The payment for Optional Items including camps and excursions must be paid by the specified due date prior to departure.  Other payments for Optional Items including Food Technology must be paid in week 2 of each Term, or by negotiated instalments.
  • When making payment via BPAY please note the receipt number on the returned permission slip or email paid items to
  • New families to the school who do not have Family BPay details, please contact the school for these details.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund applications

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. Applications for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) close on Friday 13 August.

If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. The concession card must have been valid on either of the following dates:

  • the first day of Term 1 (Monday 31st January 2022)
  • the first day of Term 2 (Tuesday 26th April 2022)
  • the first day of Term 3 (Monday 11th July 2022)

Payment amounts this year are $225 for eligible secondary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the school office on 5495 1811 and ask for an application form. 

Business Manager – Kerrie Swanton

Student Administrator – Debbie Hancock

Office Hours: 8.30 am – 4.30pm

Phone 03 5495 1811


School Nurse

Community Notices

EWHS - Health Promotion