St Arnaud Secondary College Sport Program

St Arnaud Secondary College runs an extensive Sport Program. The College competes in House, Division, Regional and State sports events.


Throughout the year the College organises several sporting events, a number of which are compulsory for all students. The College House Competition is between three houses – Holmes (yellow), Morshead (blue) and Willmott (red). House sport carnivals include swimming, athletics and cross-country with participation, sportsmanship, fitness and personal satisfaction being the most important aspects. These carnivals are compulsory College events and we encourage and appreciate the support given by parents and families, whether that be supporting or acting as officials. Lunchtime competitions are also arranged in House and Year level groups.


If students are successful at house level, they have the opportunity to go on and represent the College at division level. At a division level, St Arnaud Secondary College is a member of the North Central Division, which has nine member schools. Interschool competitions are run throughout the year and include swimming, athletics, cross-country, triathlon, clay target shooting and lawn bowls (amongst others). Students represent the College at this level with the hope of being able to represent the North Central Division at Regional and State levels. We have had a lot of success with our students at these different levels and are very proud of our sporting achievements.


It is recognised that from time to time students are unable to participate due to a legitimate reason, injury or illness. In these cases contact with the College is important so provisions can be made to ensure these events are still able to be held and run smoothly. This can be done with contact to the sports coordinator and College (email, phone call etc.) and prior to the event if possible. If the student is still able to attend, but not compete, they can still participate in a positive way by providing support for their team and performing other official tasks and duties.


As said previously, parent and guardian interest is greatly appreciated and welcomed at House and Interschool events and we hope that it continues. We would be particularly grateful to any parents/guardians who would be able to contribute at any time as an official in Inter House or Interschool competitions – no experience necessary!


If you have any questions regarding sport, please don’t hesitate to contact the College.






© St Arnaud Secondary College