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SubscribeStep-Up Program
Over the next three weeks students will be involved in the Step-Up program at the College. Current Year 7 to 9 students will be involved in the program for the entire three weeks, current Year 10 and 11 students will finish on the 3rd December. Attendance to the program is expected like any school day, students will be commencing their work on their 2022 curriculum. Current Year 8 students (2022 Year 9) will not be required on Wednesday as next year they will attend NCTTC on this day. Activities week will follow starting the 13th December – more information will be circulated as soon as details have been confirmed.
VCE Exams
Year 12 students have finished for the year, and we congratulate all of the Year 12’s for their mature approach to their exams. Relax and enjoy your break – we look forward to hearing about your future endeavours.
Year 12 Graduation Dinner
Year 12 students and their parents/guardians were invited to attend a Year 12 Graduation Dinner on Thursday the 18th November. This event was held at the St. Arnaud Racecourse in compliance with Covid operational guidelines. A big thank you to Rebecca Reynolds for organising the event and thank you to all of those who attended and made the night a real success. Additional pictures will be published in the next eNews.
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 students completed Work Experience this week. The students have attended various workplaces in a variety of industries both in town and in other locations. We look forward to hearing about their experiences and hope any experience they have gained may lead them down a career pathway.
Student Free Day
Friday the 19th November was a student free day. This has provided teachers with the opportunity to prepare for the College’s Step-Up program beginning Week 8, 22nd November 2021 and finishes on the 10th December, 2021.
Year 9 Attendance NCTTC
There is only 1 day remaining for our current 2021 Year 9 students attending the NCTTC which is on Wednesday 1st December. On the other Wednesdays, students should be attending St. Arnaud Secondary College completing the Step Up program.
Vaccine Requirements
In accordance with the current guidelines from the Department of Education, all visitors to the school need to meet vaccination requirements; this does include parents. Evidence of vaccination or medical exemption need to be shown at the Front Office. At the moment only one dose of a vaccine is required, however, by November 29th full vaccination will be needed. Families need to be aware many camps and excursions will need students to be vaccinated or evidence of a medical exemption. This is because of the vaccination requirements at venues and accommodation facilities used as part of camps or excursions, not because of a school requirement.
Year 7 2022 Enrolments
Just a reminder, that if families have not received an enrolment pack, they are available at the General Office here at the Secondary College. It would be greatly appreciated if enrolment packs with all required documentation could be returned as soon as possible.
Calvin Taylor & Russell Marland
Acting Principals
Last week, the Food Studies students completed their Last Learning Task. Their design brief was to create an easy healthy breakfast to encourage others to try something different. They had a set of criteria: which needed to be a cooked component, no egg, and fruit needed to be used. This was an individual task, with all students completing some very nice and tempting meals. Well done.
Year 10 Food Technology Pics...
On Wednesday 17 November, the new 2022 Year 7 students had their first full orientation day at St. Arnaud Secondary College. The day went really well and the young scholars proved that they will fit into the Secondary School environment with aplomb.
The day started with a run-down of their timetable and a few bad jokes from their 2022 Coordinator, Mr. Lobley. Then it was straight into the rigours of Secondary School in a maths lesson with Miss. Bertalli, who taught them all about quantum mechanics and advanced calculus (not really!) Science with Mrs. Jackson followed, where the students learned about air pressure and Professor Sumner Miller’s iconic ‘egg in a bottle’ experiment.
After recess, the students got to meet Mr. Knight for Physical Education and Miss. Griffith for Humanities. Lunch was provided by the VCAL students who burnt, I mean cooked, sausages and placed them on bread in true Aussie gourmet fashion. The day finished with a scavenger hunt where the students had to race each other to find clues around the school. The day was a great success and we can’t wait to see our 2022 Year 7s again.
Orientation Day Pics..
Below are some inserts of what some of the pupils thought of the day..
Ruby Swanton - Science - Mrs. Jackson- Liked the suspense on waiting for the egg to go into the flask.
Disliked - Nothing.
Lucy - PE - Mr. Knight - We played t-ball. We had two teams and it was fun. I wished we had longer time and I didn't want to wear the helmets.
Mahlie - Recess - Walking around with friends. I liked everything.
Tahyah Reyne - Humanities - Miss. Griffith - I enjoyed dressing Tessa up with toilet paper and I enjoyed the BBQ for lunch.
Tessa Patton - VCAL Activity - I enjoyed the scavenger hunt and I sorta had some clue to where I was going.
Ashley Zsigmond - Science - Mrs. Jackson - I liked the experiment we did and playing with friends at recess.
Max - Maths - Miss. Bertalli - easy and fun. The whole day was fun.
Max E - Maths - Miss. Bertalli - kind of fun and PE was fun.
Annylee - Science - Mrs. Jackson - I loved science because its new. VCAL activity was different and fun and we got to get our way around the school.
Rylan Leach - Maths - Miss. Bertalli - Good, fun and challenging.
Ollie - VCAL - I thought it was fun but I thought it was difficult to find where we were going but Jesse helped us and told us where to go.
Jack - Recess - Going to the canteen. PE - Mr. Knight - I liked that we played a game of t-ball.
Mara - Humanities - Miss. Griffith - I loved to make a dress on Amber with toilet paper.
Amber - VCAL activity - It was easy because Mara knew the place. It was also hard as some places were hard to find.
Austin - Recess - Playing soccer with other kids. Science also had a fun experiment.
Addi Wright - Lunch - I liked the sausages and at recess I liked annoying my older sister.
Some snaps of students on work Experience. All have received fantastic reports from their employers - whom we greatly appreciate for giving our students the experience.
A full spread in next weeks newsletter.Jesse has been busy helping Mr and Mrs Amos in Betta Home Electrical. He can be seen constructing a bed for the showroom floor. He has also been helping move refrigerators around.
Amy is busy working at the St. Arnaud Primary School. She has been in various classrooms and today she is working in with Miss Grigg. Students were practicing their reading and writing skills.
Rogan can be seen having just returned in the North Central News utility. He and Peter have been out and about visiting a soon to be new shop (we look forward to reading about this) and other businesses around the district. We can't wait to read 'Rogan's roaming reporting' in the local press.
Next week we will have a full spread of information on the third time lucky Year 10 Work Experiences!
Has your address changed or phone number? If any of your details have changed? When you have the opportunity please log in to your Compass account and update details.
The school is then notified of those changes.
As part of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, all Victorians aged 12 years and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Getting vaccinated is the best way you can protect yourself, your family and our school community from further outbreaks and the spread of COVID-19.Vaccination is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged, except where your medical practitioner advises you otherwise.
Our school is now offering the opportunity for all eligible students to be vaccinated through the Doctors in Secondary Schools program. You can make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination by contacting Mrs. Chapman at the College. Phone 54951811 or email Please do so by the end of school Friday 12th November. Consent Form to fill out and return.